The latest in gardening and outdoor living.

  • Stake that!

    Seeds and plants are not the only things you can put in the ground while you’re gardening. Stakes can also be firmly planted in the soil to promote healthy growth and keep things in their place. Get Growing stocks a range of stakes sourced from renewable New Zealand pine plantations: seedling stakes, garden stakes, and even tree stakes.
  • Stake your tree the right way

    This is a blog post about staking trees…or not staking trees. It might seem that all young trees need extra support but in fact, most trees don’t need to be staked. Staking trees that don’t need it can cause the tree to grow fewer roots and develop a weak tree base. They must learn to stand, or grow, on their own two feet.
  • Composting in September

    They say spring is the season of love. Too right! At Get Growing, we love composting, and spring is the best time to start doing it.