Introducing our Gardening Calendars
onIntroducing our monthly gardening calendars
So, you are ready to get growing with those green fingers we know you have, but need extra guidance when it comes to what to plant monthly in your region? We have created a handy sheet that goes straight into your inbox monthly showing you what to plant, when to plant, when to harvest, as well as what other plants and veges will make great garden companions.
What to plant?
Our monthly list of what you can plant, and when (and where in in the country) has the ideal selection of New Zealander's popular vege plants. From Radishes to Pumpkins, we give you the inside information so you can save time on research and spend more time in your garden!
When to plant it?
We want to help take the guesswork out of gardening. Get Growing's planting tips tells you this month's planting options. It even tells you how long you will have to wait before harvesting.
Where to plant?
Across New Zealand there are some variations in the climate and soil. Our planting calendar informs you on what to plant for each different region (northern, central, and southern New Zealand) and what time of year.
Garden buddies
Some plants grow better when they have other plants sharing the same space. Companion planting can help repel unwanted insects/pests, nourish the soil, and help control diseases. Generally improving growing conditions. We’ll let you know what the ideal companions are for each plant every month!
Plant smarter and sign up for our gardening calendars today.