As long as you look after the irrigation aspect, your garden will look after you with beautiful, healthy produce. As they say in the classics…just add water.
Seeds and plants are not the only things you can put in the ground while you’re gardening. Stakes can also be firmly planted in the soil to promote healthy growth and keep things in their place. Get Growing stocks a range of stakes sourced from renewable New Zealand pine plantations: seedling stakes, garden stakes, and even tree stakes.
The sound of birdsong in the morning is one of Mother Nature’s greatest gifts, while small critters like lizards and native bees will appreciate a place where they feel safe. With that in mind, here are five ways to bring native wildlife into your garden.
A homemade gift is athoughtfulgift. It shows the recipient that you have put some real effort into making it instead of picking up something off the shelf.
We’ve solved so many of your gift giving dilemmas that we can hear you breathe a sigh of relief from here. All you have to do is remember those magic words: “Garden lovers love gorgeous garden gifts.
This is a blog post about staking trees…or not staking trees. It might seem that all young trees need extra support but in fact, most trees don’t need to be staked. Staking trees that don’t need it can cause the tree to grow fewer roots and develop a weak tree base. They must learn to stand, or grow, on their own two feet.
Cucumbers really ARE cool. They’re the subtle and refreshing taste of summer that we all love, either in a salad, on a sandwich, or even in a gin and tonic. (Just a slice in your G&T mind you. A whole cucumber in your glass might look a little odd.) With all this cucumber love going on, you’re probably inspired to grow some. There’s no time like the present!
More tomatoes are produced worldwide than bananas, apples and oranges. That’s no surprise when you see how many things you can do with a tomato…they are one versatile vegetable…oops, sorry. One versatile fruit! Now you know all that fascinating stuff, you should also know how to grow the perfect tomato. Read on…
Gardening seems to ramp up in October and becomes a real priority for many of us. Spring is well underway, and that desire to plant things by Labour Weekend (particularly potatoes and tomatoes) acts as a great motivator. If October is a busy gardening month for you, here’s a bit of a to-do list to ensure you do the things you really need to do.
Wakey, wakey. Your winter hibernation is over and it’s time to feel the sun on your sensibly sun screened back. But before you get too comfortable, you have a job to do – the traditional spring clean. Your winter garden is a good place to start...
Transforming the look of your garden suggests something mammoth needs to happen. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s quite easy to change the appearance of your garden, with some helpful tips and pointers, of course!